Monthly Archives: June, 2017

Shaws Work Experience Blog……

June 28th, 2017 Posted by Shaws news No Comment yet

Wednesday 28th June

Work Experience Blog

Our work experience this week was in the New Product Development department alongside Kate in her development kitchen.


This week we did admin work and I helped Kate (Development Technologist) convert information about different chutneys from word to an excel document. This took a long time but I managed to get quite a lot done in the Everyday and Catering section.

Also Harrison & I observed and videoed Kate making a new Tomato sauce which we made in to an iMovie, as we wanted to share it with all Shaws followers on social media. We tossed the product into some pasta & interviewed some of Shaws staff tasting the product to get their opinions on the finished product.


For this week, I was given the task to complete a market analysis of three products from the chutney category. I had to find and document all the specific competitor products to allow Shaws to compare these to what products Shaw’s currently produce or are developing.

Following this task, Ruby & I helped the development technologist in adapting a new product. This involved amending the current ingredients and production method used. We finally created a short movie showing how Kate goes about trying a new product in the kitchen which was prepped for social media purposes.

Try some of Kates recipes on Shaws website, they are yummy:

Recipe Inspiration

Harrison and Ruby stood next to Shaws chutney jars on their work experience

Work Experience @ Shaws

June 22nd, 2017 Posted by Shaws news No Comment yet

Thursday 22nd June 2017

Work experience blog.


Our names are Harrison and Ruby and we are at Shaws in order to gain a sense of what it is like to work in a small business. We are working together as part of a work experience course as we have just left school after completing GCSE exams.
