Everyone is Katsu crazy! It’s just crispy bread crumb coating yeah, if you didn’t know, maybe with a bit of curry sauce! We always knew we liked this but now it has a new lease of life. Get some #KatsuChicken experience at home with the Shaws special treatment. Let us know what you think… Bun + curriedmayo (=curry powder+mayo) + lettuce + katsuchicken + chunkymangochutney + more lettuce + bun = πŸ€€πŸ˜πŸŽ‰ #katsu #katsuchickensandwich #sandwich #chickensandwich #foodie #foodbible #BritishSandwichWeek2019 #justchuffingreat

Posted on 22nd May 2019

Everyone is Katsu crazy! 
It’s just crispy bread crumb coating yeah, if you didn’t know, maybe with a bit of curry sauce! 
We always knew we liked this but now it has a new lease of life.
Get some #KatsuChicken experience at home with the Shaws special treatment. 
Let  us know what you think…
Bun + 
curriedmayo (=curry powder+mayo) +
lettuce + 
katsuchicken + 
chunkymangochutney +
more lettuce +
bun = πŸ€€πŸ˜πŸŽ‰
#katsu #katsuchickensandwich #sandwich #chickensandwich #foodie #foodbible #BritishSandwichWeek2019 #justchuffingreat

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